Tips for Tooth Extraction Aftercare
Tooth extraction is done to remove damaged permanent teeth. Although tooth decay and impacted wisdom teeth are the major reasons for tooth extraction, there are other reasons such as;
- Orthodontia, a procedure for aligning crowded teeth. Our dentist may perform a tooth extraction before orthodontia is performed.
- Periodontal or gum disease
- When the primary teeth don’t fall off at the set time
What Type of Extraction Do You Need?
The type of extraction done will depend on the location of the teeth, but in general, the dentist will perform either a simple or surgical extraction. Dental surgery is done when you have entrapped wisdom teeth.
What to Do Before
Tooth extraction is a major and invasive procedure that can increase your chances of getting infected, especially if you have compromised immunity or other medical conditions. That’s why before the dental procedure, the dentist will do a comprehensive assessment of your medical and drug history.
If you have recurrent infections or a weak immune system, our dentist may also prescribe antibiotics before or after extracting your teeth.
What to Expect
As soon as the anesthesia starts to wear off, you will begin to feel pain and discomfort. Also, expect swelling and minimal bleeding in the first 24 hours.
Call us immediately if you develop;
- Severe pain and bleeding for more than four hours
- Dry socket
- Nausea and vomiting
- Severe fever and chills
- Chest pain and shortness of breath
- Swelling
Tooth Extraction Aftercare
Tooth extraction recovery lasts for about ten days depending on the tooth location. Moreover, your recovery will rely on how well you take care of your oral health. Here are a few tips;
1. Watch your diet
Soft foods such as scrambled eggs, soups, and smoothies are recommended after tooth extraction. You can start to gradually add other foods on the third day after tooth extraction.
You need to avoid spicy foods because they will irritate your gums and affect the healing process. Plus, stay away from hard and crunchy food and snacks. Not only will they aggravate the wound, but also food particles may get stuck in the tooth socket. Limit sugar intake to keep bacteria away (they feed off it).
2. Guard your tooth socket
Soon after tooth extraction, a blood clot will form which is supposed to aid in the healing of your tissues. However, if it breaks, it exposes the bone and causes a dry socket which is painful and delays the healing. Avoid drinking using a straw and don’t rinse or spit forcefully—it may dislodge the clot. Plus, stay away from tobacco and cigarettes.
3. Apply ice
Did you know the dentist advise patients to take ice cream after surgery? Yes. This is because ice causes the blood vessels to contract thus reducing fluid flow and swelling. Apply ice every 15 minutes for the first few hours after the procedure. Don’t use the packs on direct skin or leave them for too long to prevent bruising and tissue damage.
4. Avoid smoking
Smoking promotes inflammations of the gums and causes periodontal disease. Additionally, tobacco can cause high blood pressure, dizziness and gum bleeding—all of which affect your recovery.
5. Other aftercare tips;
- Use saline water for the first two days after tooth extraction surgery
- Maintain normal dental practices
- Elevate your head when sleeping
- Rest and lower your activity level
- Take pain medications as prescribed by the dentist
What Next
The disadvantage of tooth extraction is it leaves missing teeth. Spaces in between not only cause the surrounding teeth to move but will also wear down the teeth and jaw making them weak.
At Whitaker Family Dentistry we offer a variety of restorative dental treatments to help you replace the missing teeth and restore your dental structure. We have dental implants that offer permanent dental support. You can also choose bridges, veneers, and crowns among others.
If you are looking for tooth extraction in Fort Valley, GA, or any other dental treatments, contact us. We will be delighted to discuss with you the available dental treatments.